Monday, November 3, 2014

RIP Tom Magliozzi from Car Talk

Tom Magliozzi, one of the Click and Clack brothers of CarTalk passed away recently.  I don't know exactly when, but it was announced today.  I've been noticing that they've been doing reruns, especially when they had Melissa Peterson as a teenager on their show, for the last few months.  But, apparently, they haven't made a new show in over two years.  Instead, they've been mixing up and rehashing old shows.

I started listening to them in the 1980s.  Both brothers seemed easy-going.  Tom went through several wives while on the show, I think, but came across as someone who always looked on the bright side.  I had no idea how much older Tom was than Ray.

Tom had Alzheimers and I guess his declining health made it impossible for him to do the show.  He was only 77 when he died.  Alzheimers is a hard disease to deal with.  It not only affect memory, it affects other behaviors and moods as well as other physical effects.  I feel for those who care for loved ones with that disease.

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